Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tuna with Peach Salsa, Eggplant over Couscous

Cook time: 15 min, prep time 20 min
3-4 entree servings
1 pound sushi grade tuna
1 large eggplant
1- 1 ½ cups of whole wheat couscous
Lemon pepper
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Peanut Oil
Italian Seasoning (salt free)
Sea Salt
Peach or Mango Salsa
Red Wine 

Prepare the marinate for the tuna, take 4 table spoons of olive oil, 2 table spoons of balsamic vinegar and add the lemon pepper. Add the tuna, the longer the better, 15 min minimum.
Cut the eggplant in ½”by 1” pieces, gently cook/fry in a frying pan, add the Italian seasoning and some sea salt. Brown the eggplant, be careful that you don’t overcook it. It start falling apart. The eggplant will take the longest from all three main ingredients, depending on how rare you like your tuna.
Heat up 1 ¼ cup of water in the microwave (2 min) and add the couscous and some sea salt. Stir the couscous when initially adding it to the water; let sit for 5 min.
Add the peanut oil to a frying pan, turn on high. Be careful the smoke point of peanut oil is lower than some other oils. Add the marinated tuna and cook to your liking.
Serve on a large plate, pour some Peach or Mango Salsa over the eggplant/couscous.
Ready is a wonderful, easy, relatively quick and healthy dinner. We had a glass of Amos Malbec with it, it turned out really well J!

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